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Caregiver Letter
Dear Caregivers,
As your student’s School Counselor, it is our privilege to partner with families and teachers to provide programs and services to help students achieve success in school. The knowledge, attitudes and skills students acquire during middle school in the areas of academic, career and personal/social development serve as building blocks for future success. Here is the link to the district webpage that contains support links for families, including a community resource guide at the bottom of the third column.
This year, your student will receive lessons based on the Missouri State School Counseling Standards:
- Bullying
- SE 2: Exhibit mutual respect and compromise in relationships.
- SE 2: Review and implement strategies to resolve problems and conflicts successfully.
- SE 3: Apply personal safety strategies as they relate to violence and harassment.
- Conflict Resolution
- SE 2: Identify and develop strategies to promote acceptance and respect in the school and community.
- ACT Mental Health First Aid
- SE 3: Identify safe/unsafe situations.
- SE 1: Identify issues that impact personal safety.
- Careers
- AD 6: Developing and monitoring Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).
- CD 7: Applying career exploration and planning skills in the achievement of life career goals.
- CD 8: Knowing where and how to obtain information about the world of work and post-secondary training/education.
- CD 9: Applying skills for career readiness and success.
- Dignity & Belonging
- SE 1: Understanding self as an individual and as a member of diverse local and global communities.
- SE 2: Interacting with others in ways that respect individual and group differences.
- Enrollment
- AD 5: Apply information and skills necessary to transition into the next grade.
- Body Safety
- SE 3: Utilize effective problem-solving, decision-making and refusal skills needed to make safe/healthy choices in social situations.
- SE 3: Apply personal safety strategies as they relate to different situations.
Warm Regards,
Your LSR7 School Counselors
Stacey Haselhorst, 6th grade counselor,
Molly Beuke (Boy-Key), 7th grade counselor,
Rebekah Schreckenghaust, 8th grade counselor,
To help support our efforts of inclusion, review the following with your student(s) at home:
Frequently Asked Questions
How will student lockers be assigned?
Each student is assigned a locker to secure supplies and personal belongings while at school. Lockers will be located in students’ grade-level pod, close to their core classes. Lockers are randomly assigned to all students by their Advisory teacher. Students will receive either a top or a bottom locker. In rare situations where, due to student height, a bottom or tall locker is problematic, Advisory teachers will work with our Counseling Department to make a switch if possible.
Will my student have to dress out for physical education?
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade will not be expected to dress out in a PE uniform for class. Students will be expected to dress appropriately for physical activity and wear athletic shoes. If not dressed appropriately, students will have access to the locker room to change into clothing suitable for safe participation in physical activities.
I would like for my child to take an advanced course but he/she was not recommended by his/her current teacher – what options do we have?
It is strongly encouraged that families follow the recommendation of their child’s current teachers when selecting courses. Over the years, we have most often found these recommendations to be an accurate placement for students. Families of students who did not receive a recommendation for enrollment in Advanced Studies (AS) course(s), may request a waiver from the Counseling Office.
Can/Should a student take all four Advanced Studies (AS) classes?
6th grade: Students in 6th grade who have been recommended may take Accelerated Math. All other 6th grade core classes will be the grade-level, college-prep curriculum.
7th and 8th grade: Students who have been recommended for all four AS classes, and have a strong interest in all of them, can take all four. There may be more independent work and reading.
Will not taking Advanced Studies courses in 6th or 7th grade affect what I can take in 8th grade?
The only course that is affected by this is math. 8th grade Advanced Studies math is Algebra and does receive a high school elective credit. The other core subjects (ELA, social studies, science) will have recommendations again for 7th and 8th grade, and a choice can be made.
If I have never taken a Band or Strings class, but want to, can I sign up for 6th or 7th grade?
No, previous elementary playing experience is required to enroll in either Band or Strings for the 2022-2023 school year.
What time can I drop off/pick up my student?
Students are not allowed in the building until 8:05 am. Unless students are staying after school for a supervised activity, they must ride the bus or be picked up by 3:15 pm.
What are the academic requirements for students to participate in athletics & activities?
Students will automatically be eligible for their 1st quarter of 6th or 7th grade. However, students who fail more than one class will not be eligible for participation the next quarter. In addition, grade checks will be done during the athletic/activity season approximately every two weeks to ensure students are in good academic standing. Those who have more than one failing grade will not be eligible to compete until they are passing at least six out seven classes. However, students are still able to practice during this time.
What are the citizenship requirements for students to participate in athletics & activities?
Students will automatically be eligible for their 1st quarter of 6th or 7th grade. Students must maintain good citizenship behavior standards each quarter to be eligible for sports/activities the next quarter.
What is MSHSAA?
Missouri State High School Activities Association is the governing body for middle school and high school sports/activities in the state of Missouri.
What does it cost to participate in any MSHSAA sport/activity?
Students wishing to participate in any MSHSAA sponsored activity/sport will be charged $25 for yearly participation. A maximum participation fee of $50/family will be charged for participating in activities/sports.
If my student is on an IEP, what classes will they take in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade?
Each student on an IEP will have a transition meeting with their elementary IEP team and Mrs. Chelsea Davis, the School Psychologist at ETMS. Classes for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade will be determined by the team based on each student’s current services. Please contact your student’s current case manager or Mrs. Davis, if you have any questions.
5th to 6th Grade
6th to 7th Grade
7th to 8th Grade
The course selection process for students moving from 7th to 8th grade will occur in March at their current middle school.
Students will be given a Program of Studies pamphlet for 8th grade class offerings, and each student will receive an individualized enrollment form that includes course recommendations. Students and their families may request a core class different than recommended by completing a waiver. A student's request will not be changed until a waiver has been completed, signed by the parent, and returned to the school counseling department.
8th to 9th Grade
The process to enroll our 8th grade students into 9th grade classes begins at the beginning of each new calendar year. During this time a number of activities are provided to help students make appropriate course selections and enjoy a smooth transition to high school. The activities include:
Student will complete plans, needs and career interest surveys 1st semester of their 8th grade year.
Students will identify and explore careers of potential interest.
Students will be introduced to the concept of and asked to choose a high school "Area of Focus."
Students will complete a 4-year plan.
Students will receive course recommendations.
High school counselors will complete classroom visits to talk to 8th grade students about high school.
Students and parents will meet with high school advisors in early March to complete course requests.